Lush woodland forests, grassy hills, and winding rivers make Pennsylvania’s native flora as diverse as the landscape it lives in. From the carnivorous pitcher plant and the ancient marginal wood fern, to multitude of asters and the prickly pear cactus, you’ll find the variety of native plants that make this landscape unique. If you’re moving to Allentown this spring, be sure to take the time to explore the assorted foliage that’s unlike any diversity you’ve seen around the United States.
As you create your garden for your new home, consider planting native plant species instead of typical garden bulbs. Not only are you helping to preserve the environment, your native gardens will help protect the various wildlife that depend on them. With out of control invasive species becoming a major issue, you can help with conservation without forsaking a beautiful garden by learning more about the huge variety of native flora. Whether you’re going for a classic floral garden to attract hummingbirds or to plant trees to break the wind and offer shade, there are native plants of every type to suit your tastes.
If you’re looking to get a full burst of color in one place, visit the Malcolm W. Gross Memorial Rose Gardens in Allentown this spring. These beautiful, blooming gardens offer flowers of all types along with beautiful ponds filled with native water lilies. Visit the Rose Gardens for some peace and beauty this year!
O’Brien’s Moving & Storage is your local Allentown moving company and we know the importance of preserving the natural beauty and ecosystem of our home. As you plan your move to your new home here, let our expert Allentown movers assist with your relocation no matter the size or scope. Speak with a knowledgeable representative today to learn more about our comprehensive moving and storage solutions, or fill out our online quick-quote form for a free estimate!
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